FlowJo v9 Manual


Using Placeholders in the Layout Editor

Placeholders are a way of letting FlowJo work with graphs inside a layout without the computation-intensive task of recalculating all the image information whenever you update a graph, gate or textbox.

The time to calculate a graph of a large data set can be several seconds. In a layout, which may contain several to dozens of graphs, this recalculation can be very time consuming. Therefore you are able to tell FlowJo to defer calculation until later, and to represent the graph as simply a box with diagonals running through it.

Use the Placeholders checkbox in the lower right border of the layout editor to tell FlowJo whether to use placeholders or not while you are working on the layout. Note that this setting only applies to the layout editor itself. Whenever you produce a batch report, the graphs are fully calculated regardless of this setting.

There are a couple other times when placeholders may be drawn in the layout editor, even when you don't have the Placeholders box checked. If the layout is zoomed way out (less than 25% magnification) then text boxes will be turned into placeholders. Also, if any of the graphs in the layout are based upon parameters which are not available within the current iteration value, or it is otherwise impossible to draw a graph based on the data available to FlowJo, then it will simply draw the placeholder instead.

In the main menu, FlowJo > Preferences > Tables/Layouts, there is a Use Placeholders checkbox. Check this box if you wish to replace all graphs with placeholder boxes.

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