FlowJo v9 Manual


FCS Keyword List

This page contains a list of the special keywords defined as part of the FCS 3.0 Standard. Scientists can use their own keyword identifiers, but they may not start with $, unless it is defined in the specfication document. The technical description is here.

Required Keywords
$BEGINANALYSIS Byte-offset to the beginning of the ANALYSIS segment.
$BEGINDATA Byte-offset to the beginning of the DATA segment.
$BEGINSTEXT Byte-offset to the beginning of a supplemental TEXT segment.
$BYTEORD Byte order for data acquisition computer.
$DATATYPE Type of data in DATA segment (ASCII, integer, floating point).
$ENDANALYSIS Byte-offset to the end of the ANALYSIS segment.
$ENDDATA Byte-offset to the end of the DATA segment.
$ENDSTEXT Byte-offset to the end of a supplemental TEXT segment.
$MODE Data mode (list mode, histogram).
$NEXTDATA Byte offset to next data set in the file.
$PAR Number of parameters in an event.
$PnB Number of bits reserved for parameter number n.
$PnE Amplification type for parameter n.
$PnR Range for parameter number n.
$TOT Total number of events in the data set.
Optional Keywords
$ABRT Events lost due to data acquisition electronic coincidence.
$BTIM Clock time at beginning of data acquisition.
$CELLS Description of objects measured.
$COM Comment.
$COMP Fluorescence compensation matrix.
$CSMODE Cell subset mode, number of subsets to which an object may belong.
$CSVBITS Number of bits used to encode a cell subset identifier.
$CSVnFLAG The bit set as a flag for subset n.
$CYT Type of flow cytometer.
$CYTSN Flow cytometer serial number.
$DATE Date of data set acquisition.
$ETIM Clock time at end of data acquisition.
$EXP Name of investigator initiating the experiment.
$FIL Name of the data file containing the data set.
$GATE Number of gating parameters.
$GATING Specifies region combinations used for gating.
$GnE Amplification type for gating parameter number n.
$GnF Optical filter used for gating parameter number n.
$GnN Name of gating parameter number n.
$GnP Percent of emitted light collected by gating parameter n.
$GnR Range of gating parameter n.
$GnN Name used for gating parameter n.
$GnT Detector type for gating parameter n.
$GnV Detector voltage for gating parameter n.
$INST Institution at which data acquired.
$LOST Number of events lost due to computer busy.
$OP Name of flow cytometry operator.
$Pkn Peak channel number of univariate histogram for parameter n.
$PKNn Count in peak channel of univariate histogram for parameter n.
$PnF Name of optical filter for parameter n.
$PnG Amplifier gain used for acquisition of parameter n.
$PnL Excitation wavelength for parameter n.
$PnN Short name for parameter n.
$PnO Excitation power for parameter n.
$PnP Percent of emitted light collected by parameter n.
$PnS Name used for parameter n.
$PnT Detector type for parameter n.
$PnV Detector voltage for parameter n.
$PROJ Name of the experiment project.
$RnI Gating region for parameter number n.
$RnW Window settings for gating region n.
$SMNO Specimen (tube or well) label.
$SRC Source of the specimen (patient name, cell types)
$SYS Type of computer and its operating system.
$TIMESTEP Time step for time parameter.
$TR Trigger parameter and its threshold.
$UNICODE UNICODE code page for string type keyword values.
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