FlowJo v9 Manual


Population Comparison


The control population is a different population (either another sample or another population within the same sample) with which the test population is compared. The test population is the one with the Population Comparison platform icon under it.

To define the control population, drag it from the workspace window and deposit it in the box in the top left corner of the platform's window OR drag the control population onto the Population Comparison platform icon in the workspace.

If you copy the Population Comparison platform from one sample to another (or to a group), the same control population is used for this sample, unless the control and test populations are different populations from the same sample. In that case, the control population will change with each new sample to ensure that the test and control populations continue to be derived from the same sample (i.e., the control population is an internal control for each sample). For Example:

  1. To compare many samples to a single control - create the platform node for a single sample (that is not the control sample). Drag the control sample to the platform (it is now designated as the control). Finally, drag the platform node to the group.
  2. To automate the comparison of different subpopulations within each sample - create the platform for a subpopulation of one sample. Drag another subpopulation from the same sample. Finally, drag the platform node to the group.

You can change the control sample for the whole group by dragging it to the platform node that is in the group panel. However, this won't work for example #2, because it automatically makes the comparison an intersample comparison.

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